Studio STUDIO,在英文中的意思是工作室,在國內(nèi)屬比較新的產(chǎn)品類型,在國際上也沒有形成定論。 ...展開全部 人氣最高作品/查看更多 Framed Ink ¥84.00 起 Framed Perspective Vol. 1: Technical Perspective and Visual Storytelling ¥80.00 起 Framed Perspective Vol. 2: Technical Drawing for Shadows, Volume, and Characters ¥108.00 起 How to Render ¥218.40 起 Mouse Guard ¥50.00 起 Start Your Engines ¥400.00 起 最近出版作品/查看更多 英文原版How to Draw Almost Everything For Kids如何為孩子畫畫 ¥99.00 起 Framed Perspective Vol. 2: Technical Drawing for Shadows, Volume, and Characters ¥108.00 起 Framed Perspective Vol. 1: Technical Perspective and Visual Storytelling ¥80.00 起 Soon Timepiece Phenomena: Adventures in Concept Watch Design (English and French Edition) ¥196.00 起 Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Count ¥119.00 起 The Urban Sketching Handbook: Understanding Perspective: Easy Techniques for Mastering ¥88.00 起 在售商品/查看更多 The Secret Language of Birthdays:Personology Profiles for Each Day of the Year ¥260.00 The Secret Language of Relationships (reissue) ¥264.00 Red-Tile Style ¥350.00 STUDIO GALLERY ¥88.00 英文原版:Spelling fun ¥18.00 1982年 亨利·米切爾《華盛頓:首都建筑圖集》,精裝,有插圖,Washington: Houses of the Capital (A Studio book) ¥129.00 Master Pieces: The Architecture of Chess(英文版) ¥150.00 布爾芬奇神話學(xué) 數(shù)百幅插圖 精裝16開 ¥379.00 Secret Knowledge:Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters ¥260.00 Mr Marshall's flower Book ¥220.00 Pinnacle Studio HD,Pinnacle Studio Ultimate,Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Collection(品尼高工作室高清,品尼高工作室終極,品尼高工作室終極收藏)【附光盤,封面有傷】 ¥150.00 比亞茲萊經(jīng)典插圖 馬洛禮《亞瑟王之死》(1992) 精裝大16開帶書匣 ¥1480.00 1903年 透納畫集 約150幅插圖 漆布精裝大16開 ¥1080.00 The Secret Language of Birthdays:Personology Profiles for Each Day of the Year ¥330.00 《Point of sale, display(売り方のポイント:ディスプレイ) <"How to do it" series>》R.H. Talmadge;(Point of sale, display(売り方のポイント:ディスプレイ) <"How to do it" series>) ¥810.00 African Textiles (Treasury of Decorative Art)? African 文本 (Treasury;of Decorative Art)? ¥589.00 The Architecture of Sir John Soane ¥450.00 《古埃及神話圖解指南》 The Illustrated Guide to Egyptian Mythology by Lewis Spence(古埃及研究)英文原版書 ¥165.00 Drama its costume and décor 戲劇的服裝和裝飾 wbgdsyh ¥545.00 【順豐快遞】George Rodrigue:A Cajun Artist 美國畫家喬治·羅德里格 作品集 有簽名如圖 12開精裝本厚冊 ¥460.00 【版畫冊】蝕刻大師系列Modern Masters of Etching, No.21——Malcolm Osborne. ¥499.00 THE STUDIO: AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF FINE AND APPLIED ART VOLUME THIRTEEN ¥400.00 超越暗影 蘇格蘭水彩之王威廉·羅素·弗林特傳(William Russell Flint),附弗林特水彩畫作品136幅,帆布面精裝 書脊?fàn)C金 插圖部分為銅版紙印刷 帶護封 護封有些微破損 ¥690.00 超越暗影 蘇格蘭水彩之王威廉·羅素·弗林特傳(William Russell Flint),附弗林特水彩畫作品136幅,帆布面精裝 封面燙金圖案 插圖部分為銅版紙印刷 ¥528.00